Sunday, November 28, 2010

Parents should know

Breast milk is the best for baby!no doubt about it,i THINK EVERY BODY KNOWS. Due to some problem of mother's breast milk production so therefore parents force to use milk substitute. There we don't know that we may face some trouble.  Lot of bottle contains Bisphenol A chemical like example in mug,jar,denture. It's frightened right?as a mother or parents our wish is to have a healthy family.

 During bottle purchase by reading then check it  carefully don't buy if they contains this kind of chemical. Why?chemical Bisphenol is harmful for baby's health.

When I read the news yesterday that object (bottle) contains Bisphenol A is forbidden in  EU-country. It's a good news for us parents!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

mother's comfort"brownies"

I sleep only few hours in the night in connection of my daughters awake with her unusual screaming. First time so far!I feed her of course,sleep few minutes then awake again. I change her diaper,and etc all possible solution that I thought it could help. Finally she sleeps 4 hours and change her nappies again.

I felt exhausted when I wake up this morning!I understand that newly born change sleeping habit. It's tough being a mom but at the same time wonderful when you watch your child smiling face. All the tiredness will evaporate like a liquid heheh:)

I have 2 hours brake from her under day because she sleep in her "baby sitter". I bake my favorite brownies as my comfort. I have this peckish feeling of sweet cake and brownies is not hard to prepare.

 Yum-yum!and I enjoy my remaining hour while my daughter was sleeping.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winter cold

A cold winter day,early in the morning I could feel that it's cold outside. Hour 8.00 I keep myself ready for my daughters clinic schedule (normal control as newly born). For this season I have my  reason to be lazy to go out!but her clinic control is a MUST. She's still sleeping so I take my chance to eat my breakfast before my husband pick us up. I have no driver license so I'm dependent on him.

In spite that the clinic is near by where we live it's more convenient if I ride a car than taking a walk. The weather is not super good besides it could be slippery on the road. I will not take a risk plus my husband's present  is necessary on her control.

  She's now ready!it takes time for me to get her clothes on. Sweater,unde pants,pants lastly overall winter jacket. Watching her setting in car baby seat looks like she's uneasy or maybe painful. Of course it's not she's more safe in it. Winter season means more extra time to spend in terms of prepation. I was born and grown up in tropical country and watching small kids with thick jacket on is uncomfortable for me.

In the clinic,checking her length is part of the control. She is 54&1/2 cm for 5 weeks and weighing 4 kilos 315 grams. It shows that she's satisfied with my breast milk. She is healthy thanks God,I avoid not to go shopping in big shopping mall to avoid virus infection as advice by doctor. 4 weeks old child and their immune system is not really strong. When she's 2 months old the immune system is quite stronger enough,better to wait.

Monday, November 22, 2010

1 month old

One month after I deliver my  daughter,she is 1 month old with another routine. Usually she sleep in her cribs during day time.After 1 month not like to be alone she noticed  that she's not in my arm or I'm not beside her. She don't like to be far away from me. I  think it's sweet at the other side tough!

She has "baby sitter" a big help( but only  sometimes)  I have time to fix things like did the laundry or eat my meals. The baby nap that we bought for her is not helpful all the time. She wanted mothers attention,that one time I used my used blouse as her comfort,put besides her while she's sleeping.  

Talking to her every day before and after I breast fed. She tried to reply with "baby talk"when she cried I don't like to hear it. She have this loud loud voice that it caused pain in my air...A mother to her cannot compare to other things. Were lucky to have her,our Christmas will be special this year.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

with help of hot chocolate

When you breast feeding a child - wake up sent during  night time is usual. Sometimes it cause to my sleep problem,just like last night. I  lay in bed next to my daughter tried to close my eyes and sleep but I could not. I got up went to the kitchen and fix something to drink. I noticed that I feel thirsty most of the time after I got my daughter.

I have this head ache but only in the right side. I was sleepy enough but my mind had spinning for different things. I look at my "baby"then enjoy the moment. An angel sleeping next to me,ohhh my daughter. Yes!I'm tired during day time,she only cried when she is hungry or needs my attention.

Hour was almost 12 midnight!time to feed her again. After it I did hot chocolate drink (1 glass),sat in the coach for a minute went to bed again. I never noticed what time I  sleep until I heard that  my daughetr cried(diaper change) hour 02.00. Wow!hot chocolate helps a lot.

Friday, November 12, 2010

baby hormone rash

My daughter is 3 weeks old,we've been in the clinic yesterday for her regular check up. She gain weight,grown 3 cm for 3 weeks after she born. She has this baby hormone rash that I worried about. I asked her nurse and she told me that it's normal.

This morning I saw that the fine red spots in her face still there. As a mother you cannot wait another day ,but only wish that soon it will gone.

She take off her gloves then scratch her face besides the tiny spots more I feel sad. poor my little one...

She's really my angel..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

to become a mother

me and my few days old daughter
 To become a mother belongs life big events. It's all true that then happend this biggest changes. The new born,myself as mom got a new important task in life.

The special relation for my new born child gives me  100 times or more indescribable happy feeling.

I say it again and again  I still can't believe that I am holding my daughter. A new life from my womb is here.

Their is pressure of course as a mom. I demand no high expectation to myself as a perfect mom. I believe that no one could be perfect but I try to find out the right tempo all the time. I read information through books,and even ask advice from my nurse/doctor/even midwife about baby things. I will enjoy every minute,take care of my baby  this 1 year long maternity leave.

baby clothes we got free after my delivery...the text ...I think perfect for my new born baby.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

getting plenty of rest

I am one of the new mother that feel exhausted during night time. Lot of energy that it needs after breast feeding. Too little sleep is not new when you have a small one. I triedo cathc up some sleep during the day as long as my baby fall asleep.

Some household work is not easy to be done at once. Every day is full of new discovery for me and my baby.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

baby comfort

It's a half month now since I have my baby . During the day,she sleep right away  after I breast feed her. Burp after she been fed. I look at her and enjoy the moment!wow it was wonderful. She feel comfortable while I carried her in my arm,setting in couch watching  my favorite tv program in (animal planet).

At last I could relax as I whispered to myself. I see her smiling today! Bed time at night she sleep in our bed for the reason that she cried non stop when I put here in her cribs. I am thinking maybe it's too early for her to sleep alone. Breast feeding during night time is more easier for me if she sleep besides me. i can comfort her right away if she needed. Changes of nappies is more tighter between time.

A long hour sleep for me during night time.But mostly I awake every 2hours depending if she is hungry.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

breast-feeding(bonding between mother and child)

All of things,being a mother is great!hard to define the feelings that I have felt every single minute. Still at this moment I cannot believe that I have my daughter! The moment I breast feed her is a way of bonding between me and my baby.

I have problem with my  breast milk at the first night that she just cried every single minute. I never understand what she needed!have no idea that it's my milk which is not enough for her. The following day my husband bought milk substitute(the brand that recommend for new born). Right away we understand that she was hungry.

I feel guilty right away poor my little one. But it's not easy for me to know and understand the signal of her "crying"why? 1 night is not easy and not even enough to know my own daughter. Now she is 12 days old,I continue breast feeding her as I could and it works!