Friday, December 31, 2010

A bit of cold

My daughter wake up this morning with a  stopped-up nose. It's not easy to see her "9 weeks baby" having a bit of a cold. She is aware I think!because when she find hard to breath she opened her mouth and breath through it. I observe her for a few minutes while my husband checking for the first aid.

We find out that holding your baby's head up is good and even when the baby is lying in bed. Breast milk can even help. We closed the heater and let our bedroom cooler so she find easy to breath.

Hour 10.00 I breastfeed her, little she's been better. Thanks God it did not be to worst!we could celebrate our new year in a peaceful way.

Monday, December 27, 2010

amusement for her

My daughter is 2 months and 7days now. She's fine, lots of laughter we could get from her. She is an entertainer,shows that she would like to talk with us. In her nursing board I hung stuffed toys in different colors which she enjoyed a lot. I bought  music box and used it as music background. 

Everytime she heard the melody at the same time I swing the hunging toys. She spark,spark,shouted but with joy. When I look at her face "this simple things"I did for her brings her so much pleasure and enjoyment. Her smile take my breath away. A mother  feeling of complete and utter love it's amazing.

Before I got this idea,quite tough every "change of nappies" because she was sleepy then. But within 1 month crying moment was gone(although not 100 % because baby cries of course). I mean it well that she has find her amusement center in her nursing area.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

our precious gift this Christmas

How happy we are,we celebrate Christmas with our close family. We continue our celebration at home,opening gifts for our belove daughter. My husband and I promise not to buy gift for each other. We are so much satisfied and enjoy our precious gift we got this year(our daughter).

Material things cannot compare the  happiness that we felt. A gift that we both waited for too long. In the night before Christmas we 3 was out and send our Christmas card greetings to our friends. My husband is the bearer while me and my daughetr waiting in the car. It's 17 minus outside but it was fun all of them live not so long. The post office here cannot promise to send it on time of Christmas.

We deliver it with extra careful that no one will  notice us when we put the card in their post box. First time we did it. For the past 4 years I've been in the country, we just send e-card. This year we make it different dispite the bad weather. It's more fun doing like this!having efforts,spending our time with it ? worthy. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Diaper logbook

We called it diaper logbook together with my husband we decided to have it. From day one (after hospital)we used this one. The clinic did not advise us but we thought writing down the time every changes of diaper is more easy to have control. We maybe over reacted or whatever you may think but honestly this one works!

I don't need to think back the time when I wonder when my daughter did a poo-poo. Instead I look at the logbook and check so I don't need to worry about. Putting things in mind is good but remember that we people  forget things easily. We have so much things to remember. We are satisfied with what we did. I know this is a small small thing but it's helpful. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

From Wardrobe

I have clothes that I worn well for many years I tried it on yesterday. It's fitted to my new body mama figure. Some where still hunging in the closet wait maybe after 6 months,they're for small size for this time. I've planning to buy new jeans because I thought that no one  fit me. 

I suppose not to spend money instead sorting out everything in the wardrobe is the best thing I should do. The rest thing I need could wait after Christmas. I may feel stressful if I have it this high season, Christmas gift must prioritise.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Best for baby

 I losed almost 20 kilos 2 months after I give birth to my daugther. I never go some special diet,I eat like normal days. I am proud of myself a prove that my metabolism working good. Instead I still take multi vitamins every day and extra calcium tablet. It's needed specially a mother like me who breast feed a child.

I did learned baby massage that my daughter love it. Warm bath + massage give her a sweet long sleep for the day.

I used the common toalet paper wet it with warm water when I change her diaper. It's more  safe than buying wet wipes . Exceptional when we travel.

She's more sensible and started dribble that looks so funny when she do it.

I am the master of every task at home!I don't understand  where did I find my energy. Well a mother is always be...Merry Christmas to all

Friday, December 10, 2010

breast pump

Sharing my daily life as a mom is fun I think. Although sometimes,I find hard to update this blog because of some circumstances.

My daughter is soon 2 months old, days pass away it's just like yesterday. Our Christmas will be exciting this year since we are 3 in the family now.

I cannot forget for the first week after my delivery. A lot of challenge that I myself could not believe how it was.

The problem of  my milk production was much more diffecult at all. But with the help of breast pump 2days after all of a sudden I have milk that enough for my baby. This helps a lot...I'm happy until now that I have no problem every time I feed her she is satisfied.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A cold day

I was out with my daughter in spite of the thick snow. We supposed to have her finger print design as scheduled in public preschool nearby we live.

She is only 7 weeks old, but the invitation came from her nurse who arrange the meeting with some other mothers. On the way, the path walk was covered of snow. I find hard of pushing her carrycot. The snow was really thick.

Lucky enough because she only sleep. I arrive few minutes late in the area. Ashamed on me,I asked sorry for it. One by one they take finger print of each baby's finger/foot but my little angel is still sleeping. I cannot afford to wake her up so I wait and wait until hour 16.00. The plan be nothing,I think I should wait for another month.

Nice to be out anyway meeting with other mother like me. We had a talked for a few hours about baby things. I enjoyed!which I admit that I need it sometime. Staying all the time at home is fine for me but socialize with others is healthy.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Vitamin D

Who hates the sun?no one of course. Those who live in tropical country spending  their entire life with sunlight they are lucky. They may  also feel tired on it specially during noon time when the sun shining so hot. But in the morning they have free Vitamin D that comes naturally from the sun.

How about people living in the country with to little sunlight specially winter season. It's a question of some,taking vitamin D is the answer. A person like me needs D vitamin because I have brown comflexion and not born in the country.

I understand more now after I got my daughter. She got her vitamin D substitute,5 drops every day. She needs it until she turn 5 years old. The said vitamin is cost free,I'm pleased for it. Summer season is short here,the long absence of the sun makes people more crazy to travel to a warmer country.

With such a weather like this today so much cold that freezes us totally. I wish it's summer soon.