Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sample taste(mash potato)

As I always mentioned here that time goes so fast. My daughter is now 4 months;exactly tomorrow. I did make mash potato for her for sample taste. Good to say that she likes it!
her first taste.
it was a funny moment..she just opened her mouth the timeI said "namnam" to her.
She's totally ate around 1 teaspoon of mash potato(note with out salt). I will do it same  tomorrow again.

Friday, February 18, 2011

baptism gown for our daughter

I was utterly busy for this past few days. My daughter's baptism is approaching!I have to fight with the stress moment. It is not easy to prepare all by our self. My family(Philippines) their present might needed and a big help. No one of them can come over to attend this special occasion. They have a work to take care out there,then their kids in the first place. The distance of flight is not fun!it takes 20 hours in all.

This is life sometimes!but I learned and I adjust. Sometimes their are days that I wish to have them here. Helping my hard days then talking about life as a mother. Speaking with it I missed my mother again and again. I've been looking at her old photo "then wishing"to have her presence. This time I sounds little "sentimental"because I am.

This is a traditional Swedish baptism gown. Pink ribbon should placed in the center  for "baby girl" then of course blue for "baby boy".

We are still not sure if our daughter can have this gown on. We find problem for the arm size. Little for tight..

We find another alternative gown. This is Philippine hand made gown I'd borrow from my Filipina friend. Her eldest daughter had it during her Christening 4 years ago also here in Sweden.

Open back that could be a solution. Problem it's not summer yet..We need to check the church if it's warm enough.

We decided to used this gown. Finally our remaining problem is the party preparation!!!

A beautiful hand touch!I'm in love with it!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A call to parents

This article is a call to us parents. A good reminder that our  children must eat real food not semiproducts made. Probably it has connection to children who have low IQ. Eat healthy foods everyday an old issue that we heard ever since in our childhood. Teachers in school incourage their pupils to eat vegetables!..

 But even though the study is not 100 % sure, however it required attention about this. We should face the fact that it may be true.

 Our brain needs vitamins for the development  like "cars needs gasoline". It could be hard to fight against this problem kids loves to eat semiproduct food  because of the advertisement they saw in tv that looks so promising. Lets go back to basic.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Think about!

I  agree this article some part needs to think about. I read in attach). But in the other case every rule has an exemtion because it depends on why your spending almost your free time in the internet. I maybe one of them who may feel guilty about. I'm a mother of 3 months old,but I did spend my free hour in front of my computer  (sometimes with the presens of my daughter) when I chat my family abroad. I am the only one who live far away from them,so it's nice to have contact regularly even though through internet. I made it now almost once a week sometimes everyday specially after I got my daughter. Seeing each other via web cam and talking at the same time is such great. I feel  in the nearby of them. It's not strange if I miss them constantly.

Of course parents should give time to their family. Not later but must be started when the "new family member"is still small or "baby". Very much important for the growing of the child. Sad to say that "every" parents have their reality story.

 Majority of the Swedish parents spend their time in front of their computer. Updating facebook,surfing,updating blog  and etc. Swedish family have internet access at home. It could be the reason why it is easy to be "trap" in such situation. Having some rules for ourselves might  may good to avoid the such problem. In short modern technology give us complecated situation. A lot of us linked with it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

a Mother's dream

A typical mother dreaming ahead for the sake of  her child's good life. To have the best among the rest. I am not going to let myself without day dreaming. Many people says that don't let your past control over you of being a good parents. Well..I'm not allowing myself to do that. I try to be a good one !
A parents of this generation is tough demands high standard. To introduced my culture,learning my "mother language"to my daughter at the same time in the future is a great challenge in my part. Things are different now under my time in my childhood days. Before(in my childhood time) parents decided everything for the good of their children but here contrary! Freedom of speach of each child  is highly accepted. They can choose what they want in life. Isn't it's screamy? Maybe not ?what should I need to do is to watch and guide my "little angle"to the right path of her life. I'll do what it takes!just now I'm hoping for the best of her.

Friday, February 4, 2011

My daughter

It's been a while since I've visit here. Having no extra time to update my blog what a pity!. I won't have enough free time under  the day. Now that she is 3 months old, most of the time she took my attention and wanted to talk, play. We were mostly alone at home because her father works for living and he's  home sometimes late in the evening. As you see in the picture. I let my daughter diaper free for 30 minutes a day. One best thing to avoid rashes.

she's getting stronger  to rear up her head and legs at the same time. Ohh she's drooling a lot it demands many cloth changes. Until I realized that better to have little cloth bibs.