Friday, August 5, 2011

Starvation in Africa

As a parent of one I was sad after I heard that lot of children in Africa suffered starvation. I've got tears in my both eyes about  how hard their situation down there,so pitiful. I am  glad that we have everything here. I counts all the blessings everyday  that my husband brings in the family.
Swedish help organization are all in to help but should it be enough to feed all the mouth that needs help in the said countyr.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

9 months

I was been busy for this summer that could not able to spend time to update here. Once again I'm back for the long weeks. I'm in the phase of "enjoying" hard to express but well as a mother every second is a moment of "cloud nine". It will not takes long until my daughter take her first step. Excited!and scared hehehe for all the rest of things.
We bought walker yesterday and tested it when we came home. She was so happy then started to reach things that she thought it was  interested. Her curiosity shows  double than before. I did re arrange our living room afterwards.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


What a day !I'm working hard painting our kitchen wall reborn into white. All windows are opened for ventilation .My husband will be surprise again..I never told him my idea. I hope he will not against this when he came home. I decided to repaint it to white because  I feel  harmony and bring lights in specially during winter season.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

dinner for tonight

This is our dinner for tonight. We have much food more than  for 2 person so I have something to save for tomorrow. We both spend our summer holiday inside Sweden, we have warm summer weather here. Planning to have  holiday under winter season instead.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

foot spa do yourself

So is this with summer time you allow yourself for a lot of beauty relaxing thing. To take a minute of brake is a must to calm down under stressful day. But it doesn't mean it should cost you much to fix. Do it yourself at home and i think the result  is quite the same.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

my daughter

I bought  sunglass last week and have it on for her to try. Hmmm she seems very curious with  confusion in her eyes  hahahha. She's now 8 months and more aware for things near by her.

Friday, July 1, 2011

summer diamond

Hi everyone again, it's been long time since I own time to update my blog here. Summer you know, I always out with my daughter catching the wonderful thing that happened in this beautiful season. This is why summer is wonderful. You just go out in a thin t-shirt,sandal then smell the fragrance of the blooming flowers.

                                           roses for me too.
                                                    my growing squash might be productive. free dinner in the harvest time. Enjoy summer!