Saturday, October 30, 2010

delivery pain

Oct 20 my little angel was born at hour 19.05. A long hour struggling for delivery "situation hard to imagine after". I did a normal labour with help of different pain reliever name it like,laughing gas,epidural,and etc.

After all the pain reliever, still I could  feel the pain,labour is not pain free. Every contraction is like fighting for my life at the same time nearer the birth to my baby.

I was thirsty all the time,juice,water helps me awake and have the energy to bear down. It happened that I inhale the gas over the limit that made  me feel dizzy. I heard my midwife's voice calling my name and inform that I'm 8cm open. 2cm to go,no idea about the time as I rememberd I never had ate lunch,just drink.

What I wanted is to get out my "baby"in my womb!being woman is not easy,our task in this world is tough,quite scary can compare to life and death. The pain is getting worse!the baby is on the way(as I heard from one of the midwife).I have no control at all that I could even fight against pain.

Finally!my little daughter while holding her in my arms.After 9 months bringing my baby in my tomb.Now she is here,the pain by all odds but it was worthy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

the diffecult time for pregnancy

I have come to the end week of my pregnancy that could ever imagine how it is before. I just don't get it  how difficult to do household things. I feel more and more uneasy for everything,even sleeping at night. My body is so warm in spite it's already autumn here.Cold outside yes!but I have still my electric fan on during the night. My husband suffered quite a lot during night time.

The temperature inside the bedroom is like in cool cupboard. But still I'm warm! I wish to delivery my baby soon. With mix feelings yes we are both!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The coconut

Well,well this is a hard one (coconut) normally I eat the young and juicy coconut in my country. Sweden is far away from home,it's not easy to have all fruits that I used to ate before.

I bought one time in Asian market in the city (young coconut)but the taste is not the same. I decided to try out and eat the old coconut instead which sold in every groceries here. People used to eat this during Christmas.

I took out the water and drink it,was even surprised because the sweetness was still there. Taste good,but hmmm the meat was so hard. I have this as my snacks!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

the mother I had

Years has passed by,I have move on. I never expected that I felt this deep longing of my mother after years by but  today? As my delivery day is approaching at the same time I missed her(my mother). Unfortunately,she have no chance to see my "baby"because she's already in heaven (32 years) . I was 6 years old when she passed away. I wanted to asked many questions "how she was "being a mother to me.

It is true that the time you may built your own family mostly we think back the past. Realize that every parents do their best for the good future of their kids. A plain house wife mother is a full time job without "salary". Mother run the households and lots more in related to family.

I am blessed that I have a wonderful husband. My mother in law's love is like a sunlight,she let me be who I am.I cannot help if sometimes I'm wishing to have a mother  besides me specially during my delivery day. A wish of  most  mother to be,but in my case I know it cannot be happen. I may feel  little impteness,  like a piece of good advice from a mother. Mother is dependable source of comfort,the master of every task. With wide open arms,open hearts,encourager and forgiving all our faults of big and small. Most  of us can't comprehend what she had done just for us.

This is not the act under my emotional stress. I write this blog as my personal message to those people who have still their mother. Learn to love,show your respect because mother is a special gift that  can't replace by some one else.

 I am happy,satisfied for what I have accept the fact. I need to focus this new chafter of my life together with my new family. I wish me luck! thank you for reading


Saturday, October 9, 2010

our baby sleeping comfort

 Saturday 9th of October!we're both in the same mood. Talking for our future as a parent to be,we need to tighten's our belt . New family member is soon arrive and everything cost money.

 Usually we ate brunch during weekend for the reason that we both wake up quite late. Afterwards,we put together the cribs incaseI will give childbirth this weekend. We choose unpainted one (crib) and adjustable too that can be use until 9 months or 1 year old.

maybe I bought wrong color for our baby crib protector which is  (pink). We don't know yet if it's a girl or boy(I found it in sale so I decided to have it as reserve incase....(sounds crazy right). Anyway I  have another one   in neutral color too. The baby nest can take time to prepare because of  various bedding pieces including blankets,sheets,matress,soft pillows,matress protection and etc.
October month is not warm anymore so we need to used good baby beddings. For his/her sleeping comfort.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

hoarse voice

This is not good for me,having a bit of a cold gives me worries for my baby. Few days from now or anytime I will give childbirth. Autumn weather warm and cold sometimes typical. I have sore throat,following day  I notice that the cold made me a little hoarse.

I take cup  tea with lemon then honey as my households remedy. It helps thanks for that,sore throat is gone but running nose reamins in me. It's my 2 days now so I'm hoping it will be better tomorrow. You cannot avoid to become sick,as I tried.

Anyway I feel not weak nor even tired. Be out in the fresh air,helps me little bit.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

the waiting

I am waiting,waiting for my delivery get going on.Tomorrow I will meet my midwife again,checking if everything is ok both myself and the baby. October 18 is nearly coming,but maybe it could be happen this weekend.

Let's see,when it takes place. I stay at home quite often during day time,not go out alone. I need to be careful not to have problem alone in the street what if time will come.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

quick quack day

After the long day with my friend, on the way home. I felt that I have this kind of strong pain in my abdominal pain or under of it. I told my husband that labour pain starts now. It's hard to control it,so I just let myself be in pain,and close my eyes,then concentrate.

Wew!!!wew!we have 12 minutes left before we reach home,my husband is such a calm guy that he never show me a sign of being in panic. It was really me feeling nervous!think if I born my child inside the car(as I whispered to myself).

But I know that this is too early today,what is this for pain?I would like to cry in secret..but I told my husband about what I've feel. He makes me relax then,he concentrate in the wheel. You maybe ate unsuitable food maybe chili?as he asked me.

At home I rush in the bathroom seated their for few minutes,until I feel fine. Hmmmm I may believe it! I have only this stomach trouble. What an uncomfortable pain  I had,I called it my "quick quack day". The false alarm!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

positive charm

I'm thinking to go out and have a long walk this saturday morning. Weekend brake,for my husband so take the chance when we both free. General cloudy so all the plan never came off,we stay at home,relax. I packed "baby things"in the bag (for hospital) incase delivery came anytime in this week. Better to be ready,I don't like that I missed important things.

The only thing I need to think is to be ready for. I need positive mind to get a good luck charm in full view of a good   mother. Hmmmm days days I am so excited!