Saturday, October 30, 2010

delivery pain

Oct 20 my little angel was born at hour 19.05. A long hour struggling for delivery "situation hard to imagine after". I did a normal labour with help of different pain reliever name it like,laughing gas,epidural,and etc.

After all the pain reliever, still I could  feel the pain,labour is not pain free. Every contraction is like fighting for my life at the same time nearer the birth to my baby.

I was thirsty all the time,juice,water helps me awake and have the energy to bear down. It happened that I inhale the gas over the limit that made  me feel dizzy. I heard my midwife's voice calling my name and inform that I'm 8cm open. 2cm to go,no idea about the time as I rememberd I never had ate lunch,just drink.

What I wanted is to get out my "baby"in my womb!being woman is not easy,our task in this world is tough,quite scary can compare to life and death. The pain is getting worse!the baby is on the way(as I heard from one of the midwife).I have no control at all that I could even fight against pain.

Finally!my little daughter while holding her in my arms.After 9 months bringing my baby in my tomb.Now she is here,the pain by all odds but it was worthy.

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