Friday, August 5, 2011

Starvation in Africa

As a parent of one I was sad after I heard that lot of children in Africa suffered starvation. I've got tears in my both eyes about  how hard their situation down there,so pitiful. I am  glad that we have everything here. I counts all the blessings everyday  that my husband brings in the family.
Swedish help organization are all in to help but should it be enough to feed all the mouth that needs help in the said countyr.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

9 months

I was been busy for this summer that could not able to spend time to update here. Once again I'm back for the long weeks. I'm in the phase of "enjoying" hard to express but well as a mother every second is a moment of "cloud nine". It will not takes long until my daughter take her first step. Excited!and scared hehehe for all the rest of things.
We bought walker yesterday and tested it when we came home. She was so happy then started to reach things that she thought it was  interested. Her curiosity shows  double than before. I did re arrange our living room afterwards.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


What a day !I'm working hard painting our kitchen wall reborn into white. All windows are opened for ventilation .My husband will be surprise again..I never told him my idea. I hope he will not against this when he came home. I decided to repaint it to white because  I feel  harmony and bring lights in specially during winter season.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

dinner for tonight

This is our dinner for tonight. We have much food more than  for 2 person so I have something to save for tomorrow. We both spend our summer holiday inside Sweden, we have warm summer weather here. Planning to have  holiday under winter season instead.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

foot spa do yourself

So is this with summer time you allow yourself for a lot of beauty relaxing thing. To take a minute of brake is a must to calm down under stressful day. But it doesn't mean it should cost you much to fix. Do it yourself at home and i think the result  is quite the same.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

my daughter

I bought  sunglass last week and have it on for her to try. Hmmm she seems very curious with  confusion in her eyes  hahahha. She's now 8 months and more aware for things near by her.

Friday, July 1, 2011

summer diamond

Hi everyone again, it's been long time since I own time to update my blog here. Summer you know, I always out with my daughter catching the wonderful thing that happened in this beautiful season. This is why summer is wonderful. You just go out in a thin t-shirt,sandal then smell the fragrance of the blooming flowers.

                                           roses for me too.
                                                    my growing squash might be productive. free dinner in the harvest time. Enjoy summer!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

the weather u may choose.

Were in the middle of the year. I remember  3 months back  Gothenburg saw like this..lot of snow and no green grass coming out in the view. Grrrr!cold as I could imagine. Now 3 months later we enjoy the bloom!
the smell of the rose´in the garden gives the bees direction where they go. I see green,the skies are blue birds are singing so is summer time. Wonderful in short.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

doing it myself

2 days to go before Midsummer Day. We are all excited! hopefully our weather will be better.. Sunshine...sunshine is what we asking for. 25 June at the same time we celebrate our 6 wedding anniversary on Midsummer Day. Exactly that we're 3 in the family a short vacation was discussed and plan for this weekend.

For today, a little busy day for me doing it myself "painting" our old balcony chair into white. It's trend here using old furniture into new face,I'm learning things here so charming.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


It was a recharging evening for me after day long. Ice cream is a good mind refreshing even it was not so warm in the whole day. Finally we book ticket for holiday till Philippines this coming December and I am forward to spend Christmas with my family. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

inspiring indoor

Summer weather is darker today,rain and thunder hits in some part of Sweden. Got to be good when your indoor. I am amaze looking at my orchid placed in our kitchen window blooming so many flowers.

My 1 year old lemon tree where the thorn getting sharp. It's perfectly grow that survive last dark winter season in today this long cm. It started from seed so wonderful.. I am not expected to have some lemon fruits but to see lemon tree in my window hmmm inspiring..

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

home made baby food

Yesterday afternoon I did my best to cooked for my daughter's dinner. Since she is only 7 months I must be careful for the ingredients I used for. I make up to cook fish with potato,green peas,with little flavor of garlic and fresh thyme from my own little garden. No adding salt as usual, I taste it honestly it taste good.

But I have a feeling of doubt it she like it or not. Lot of "baby's" in her age don't like the taste of fish. Hm mm I was wrong because she just opened her mouth that shows of interest. As a mother I'm totally proud what I've done... 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What a summer day!

Yesterday we celebrate National day, in the morning till noon we enjoy being at home. Playing with my daughter,listening my favorite ballad music and taking nap at noon time. So wonderful,just being so relax! Then we have a picnic outside in the garden where we live.  We bought bigger carpet picnic the other day perfect to have. We have fun for yesterdays warm climate! with baby sun lotion comfort for her skin besides we choose to be under the tree. Then the weather change for today. Gothenburg has a  cloudy weather this Tuesday noon time.

Friday, June 3, 2011


One way ticket to my hungry tummy. I fix breakfast late this morning because we woke up late. My 7 months daughter got breast milk in bed only mommy needs real food. We have a fantastic grill weather here today. I'm waiting for my husband from work then we went out to have fishing ang grill outdoor.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I have nothing else to complained about being a busy mother because I enjoy my new status. Last week "mothers day" I received  gift  and flowers something that fills up and complete my day. I was super glad granting things being a mom by my family. Thanks God things getting better around me.

By the way since summer is here I have  new ideas. To have vegetables plants in our balcony. I have squash on growing,tomato and beans is on the way to grow. I am excited if this will work out. so excited!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

the day it happened

Being a mom "always"ready for unexpected things is what supposedly I am. It does show that no one is perfect. I always have with me named it diaper,wet wipes and so etc. But one day I was tested and things was not enough. We were out having fresh air in the seashore while my husband and his friend did fishing in the ocean. I was with my daughter where was she did poo, the wet wipes that I had with me was not enough to cleaned her. So I called my husband for help; because it was much much to clean off. We have tissue paper and water  our 2nd rescue.
Then our day go along safe with "my sunglass" she was ready watching them fishing..and it was ended with a big catch 1 Sea trout.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I am restless today even wordless that words stop in my lips. I don't know what to write her. Have a nice day to all.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Tuesday

So windy Tuesday afternoon.We're in the ocean for fishing but the strong wind change my mind. Instead I remain myself setting inside the car while Nicole is sleeping. I dear not to throw à cast because it's chilly. I saw few does wind surfing it's cool to look at but seems dangerous.
When I took a picture to wind surfer I captured this sea ambulance. It's not confirm that they got emergency hopefully not.

Monday, May 16, 2011

last weekend

Weekend is always best I have my husband in my side who help me take care of our daughter. Father and daughter bonding; I'm in the background enjoying watching them.

It's Monday again anyway I favour to stay at home. Take it easy with my daughter and does cleaning. The weather is with me today because it's chilly and windy.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

our joy

She loves to be in the dining table, watching her eating porridge brings me joy. She likes the taste in short (she opened her mouth widely) specially when she was really hungry. For the whole family to eat together in every meal helps to have a healthy eating pattern for a baby. This is recommended to all parents. I notice when she having meal with us she shows more desire for food  than I feed her alone.

I'm very thankful that I take care of her in 24 hours a day. To be a full time mom for her for the moment until 1 and half year is the most thing I never regret. This chance as a mother could not even better, I love to be with her all the time.She brought "light" and more "happiness"in our home.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Family Island trip

I love holidays and the nice weather is a big bonus. We drove to Island where we used to visit when I was pregnant. This is our first family trip "altogether" which brought me a feeling of an extraordinary day. We're all on board in ferry "Ada" my "daughter"she's sleeping in her car seat.

The great amount of water between heaven and earth  was so quite no big waves very pleasant day. Lot of sailing boat sailing in the nearby;grabbing the chance since its holiday. The destination trip was a great idea although I've been here 3 times already but still I am not tired of the place. Almost impossible to believe that we're here again as "family".    
A fine view of the Island invite my well to say "yes" if we can  move and live here. So comfort is the place. Good sorrounding is a big help to energize our body and soul. After our sightseeing we end up in pizzeria,but I serve banana to my daughter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter with daffodils flower

This is the meaning why we must have daffodils during Easter holiday in the table,or in the garden. Daffodils has yellow cup,yellow frill,and has a yellow star.
Daffodils,egg,(påskmust)it's like coca cola are the common things here you can find under this celebration. Happy Easter every one.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

coffee brake

I'm running back and fort to comfort my "baby girl" she's sleeping since hour 20.00 in between "crying" stop my pursuit. So hard enough to find right time in order to update this blog daily. I'm spending now almost 3 hours but not finish yet. My husband came home late this evening for his work reason.

To keep me alert I take coffee brake although I prefer tea.
                                                                 hmmm smell so good
                                                              here I am eating sweet this evening.

one of the popular meeting place in Gothenburg City

I  was out to meet my old friend  in  "The Garden Society of Gothenburg". One of the popular meeting place here  in the City. Since it is Maunday Thursday (previously a Swedish movable feast)  plenty of families gather around. The continue sunny days brings potential to people to come and enjoy.

Inside the garden kids are already playing with each other. Some setting in the ground and have picnic. I admire these parents who spend time with their kids.

one of the flower inside
 it's not yet so  nice and tidy but it will be soon.everything is just started
you cannot miss your coffee brake because inside they have coffee house + restaurant.
                                                              spending my free time here is worthy enough...summer time invite much better view where the flower have time to bloom even green grass the whole area.

her sleep

What a feeling when you woke up in the morning and saw a lovely and  beautiful smile. It could not even better I feel completely blessed and  fortunate as a mother and a wife. From today hour 19:05 exactly she turn 6 months.

  She's more awake during day time mostly she took a sleep 30 minutes only. She's more and more conscious of things much even more those people in her surroundings. She has a very charming laugh which I enjoyed every moment of time.
   sleeping  in her baby carriage in the garden outside had a big help. But still she woke up after 30 minutes.                                                

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

teething process

She was been requiring great attention after her teething began. It becomes more when the 2 teeth comes out. Yesterday we were out the 3 of us I forgot to brought her teething ring. I got some rescue "toy"that she wanted to bite.
After giving her food,I serve  cold water to drink that make her so happy. It helps her relief the pain ,water filled teethring is a big help too. At least it works all the things and help to ease the pain. It always worth to try.

captured by my iphone4

I am a superwoman for one day. I have clean away dust with  vacuum cleaner,mop a  floor,wash clothes at the same time taking care my little one. It is my Monday day routine looks like.The clear blue sky gives me insperation to even clean the balcony what I have today. I admit that I feel I have more energy,this wonderful sunshine morning.

Right after in the afternoon I took a walked with my daughter round in our block. While she's sleeping in her baby carriage. Everything started to be a live; leaves of the tress will be coming anytime soon. 

This nice flowers was planted by the block  care taker. Absolutely brought a summer atmosphere.

Lastly we decided to drove us into seashore to have fully fresh air and calm quite aura. Monday was ended with nice airwaves. I am sure we have a nice sleep in the night.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

His first catch

This is our lucky fishing day no doubt because he got his first catch 10 minutes after his first throw. It's à matter of the right time in the right place.I saw the glance of his face before he called my name. I got it as he said one of our favorite fish,family to salmon fish. Normally it cost lite more than the other kind of fish that you find here in fish store.

1st fish
He catch again for the second time"fish number 2". Same kind of fish but  little bigger than the first one.

2nd fish which he find hard to take it out!
I am not hesitate to have it as our todays dinner in the table. Fresh fish have juicy meat, we have our free meal today!

todays bargain

We went out to have some fun. Sunday we are lucky to have this beautiful weather. It's not summer yet but I have my summer jacket on me. Not so really cold outside that I manage to have this tiny clothes on. Instead of having socks I used stocking  to balance my whole attire. We have no intention to buy things for fishing but my husband take a liking to something which in "bargain price".

lot of fishing material that he might like to buy.lets see then

wow!they are really expensive.better to wait if they have offer price,save money in my wallet

finally he find the right one he wanted to have..bargain price save more than 50% why not i said to him. He plan to have test fishing today..and we got todays bargain.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

her first teeth

My daughter got her first 2 teeth yesterday, quite early for her age 5 month and 3 weeks. I felt like I have a sharp pain when I saw 2 white sticking out from her gums. We waited a good while that this front teeth shall come out.
the yellow one in the front under usually come out in the age of 6-7 months. I get this information from the community dentist via mail.
We were both happy as her parent, in other side we feel sorry for her. To hear her crying because of the pain, is not easy for us to describe. We comport her by dancing,singing and so lot more movement as long it could help. Last night, she sleep in my arm I was dancing almost 1 hour. It's not so many we can make, all infants undergo this situation. Our another phase as parent was just began.
Soon she need this equipment! we received this  free toothbrush and tooth cream from community dentist in our mailbox.