Saturday, July 31, 2010


I discover for this weekend that "heartburn"comes again. I notice after I ate my meals and quite annoying because I have to visit the toalet almost a minute. As my tummy feel tight for day by day and my "baby"continue kicking. Cold water and fresh juice is my daily drink. I avoid "cola"product since I tried not to gain too much wait. I am 62 kilos actual weight took this morning before I ate my breakfast.

It's normal wait as we check in our guide but still I need to be careful. Iron vitamins,folic acid and calcium are my daily back up. I need them until the month of  my delivery for the good health of my "baby". I control not to eat too much since I suffered heartburn, I ate small portion time to time instead.

My sugar level was normal,tummy was in normal sized as confirmed after my check up (midwife). We have bought half of the "baby"needs and yes excited!!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

pregnant and relax

Pregnant week 29 A little of movement in my tummy the thousands smile I have in my lips. I continue enjoying every moment of kicked as my "baby"moved like a clock. I told her "I love You"every day morning and night. The more she hear my voice (as I noticed)more movement I experienced. A sudden kick make me surprise.  I read from the book that "she" feels when mother is indignant or  stress that can caused increased the (baby)heart frequency,makes (baby)kick.

I found out that water helps me to relax. Seeting here 1 hour every day after my shift and take a deep breath relocates my fancy world.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

one way of learning another language

Living away from home country is a huge steps to build a new chapter of life. Adopting the climate changes is not only the main facture but also the language itself. We have diffirent reason why we move from other country. For better living or meeting partner in life from other respective country.

I experienced myself how hard it was from the start. Although I finished college in my country but it's not enough at all. Sweden have it's own language that spoken inside the country. It does not matter if your a degree holder or not you will ended on same level here "learning Swedish as your  second language".

Difficult and challenges at the beginning?yes it was but Swedish people are good in english as well. In times of needs of course you can speak in english with them. Here every tv channels used swedish text under the tv screen if  it's english film. "Dubbing"is not used here aside from children's film but are too rarely dubbed into Swedish.They all have it in english with the Swedish translation (text).

Pedagogical and a very wise decision I think that both good for children and for immegrant to learn both the different language at the same time. These gave me a big help before,and motivate me more to continue learning. An easy way to learn the language even if your at home. I used to write down some difficult words that needed more explanation. It works of course,that I wonder why other country keep on "dubbing"instead of using language at the same time in front of tv. We need to accept that English is important language that we need to learn about.

pregnant me..

A lot of my colleague wonder where did I get my energy and be able to handle my job. Honestly,I prepared myself for everyday challenge. Something that I think it could help during my delivery period. Being pregnant does  not mean that you may not do normal things. Yes!we could still but with extra care of your movement and do it slowly. Setting alone is not good either unless your doctor prescribed for a complete rest due to your health condition.

But as long as you have no problem with your and "baby" health doing things is good for you and to your "little one". A lot of movement that "baby" in the tummy love. Walking for instance( just like their setting in a  swing) that make them a sleep.

Besides meeting people in my job gives me another aspect and think positive aside from being alone at home. See ones another is one way of having a healthy condition because you may forgot your "delivery"concern that pregnant women have.

Monday, July 26, 2010

week 28 midwife visit

Week 28 and finally I made it through the way. I am now entering the home straight and with only few more weeks of pregnancy left to go. My "baby" is very active that I noticed everyday through the movement around my tummy. It is fun that almost I can't believe that our life started like these.

I am in the stage that my baby is safe because if she will born this month the assurance of survival is higher. Well,lot of things I noticed in my body like the veins on my breast become more noticeable wich is normal during this pregnancy. I gain more than 10 kilos,yes felt heavy the whole me.

I often have some strange dream in the night that my midwife told me its quite normal. Some problem that trouble me  this weekend is such heartburn specially when I ate beans and unions. It makes me crazy,thanks that back massage helps a lot.