Monday, July 26, 2010

week 28 midwife visit

Week 28 and finally I made it through the way. I am now entering the home straight and with only few more weeks of pregnancy left to go. My "baby" is very active that I noticed everyday through the movement around my tummy. It is fun that almost I can't believe that our life started like these.

I am in the stage that my baby is safe because if she will born this month the assurance of survival is higher. Well,lot of things I noticed in my body like the veins on my breast become more noticeable wich is normal during this pregnancy. I gain more than 10 kilos,yes felt heavy the whole me.

I often have some strange dream in the night that my midwife told me its quite normal. Some problem that trouble me  this weekend is such heartburn specially when I ate beans and unions. It makes me crazy,thanks that back massage helps a lot.

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