Saturday, July 31, 2010


I discover for this weekend that "heartburn"comes again. I notice after I ate my meals and quite annoying because I have to visit the toalet almost a minute. As my tummy feel tight for day by day and my "baby"continue kicking. Cold water and fresh juice is my daily drink. I avoid "cola"product since I tried not to gain too much wait. I am 62 kilos actual weight took this morning before I ate my breakfast.

It's normal wait as we check in our guide but still I need to be careful. Iron vitamins,folic acid and calcium are my daily back up. I need them until the month of  my delivery for the good health of my "baby". I control not to eat too much since I suffered heartburn, I ate small portion time to time instead.

My sugar level was normal,tummy was in normal sized as confirmed after my check up (midwife). We have bought half of the "baby"needs and yes excited!!!!

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