Wednesday, January 26, 2011

perfect mug till coffee lover

This is really a fun thing to those coffee lover. This mug designed by Russian design studio " Art Lebedev". It shows if your coffee is warm or not. Perfect! I love the motive, coffee should drink when it's hot not cold. Winter season this is a prefect timing to produce it and have at home.

The green light in the side light up if the water(or coffee) is warm than 36 degree.

A mother daughter bonding

I really love this moment I think my camera captured it exactly what I wanted. It cannot be better than this. I bake carrot cake then for the first time I did it with icing.  Almost 6 months now since I took my matertiny leave from my work. Fully mother work at home to my beloved daughter. House cleaning I make it once a week or twice sometimes depending if it needed. It's nice to do nothing sometimes just take care of my little girl.

 I keep myself stress free but my husband complained that I am stressing myself! Maybe I did? little by little I moderate myself. Our kitchen renovation is always on my list still waiting for the write time and month. We're living in 3rd floor and the water pump something like that needed to change all the way from floor one till up. Our associations responsible and decide when. In Sweden it doesn't matter if you owned your plats( a house or apartment) their is a roll that I cannot explain here. No choice but to wait, may be I take first move "painting all white first". I'll see in summer.

here is my carrot cake.Icing on top I used philadelpiaost with a squeeze of lime. It's very delicious!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Depression after child birth

Depression after child birth...lack of sleep could be a help. It can even change mothers humor. Good news for those who have a sleep problem. My daughter is still sleeping every night together with us. It's more easier to comfort her than she's sleeping in her cribs. It was a capital idea because I never feel that I suffer sleeping problem in the night.

It's tough being a mom!but those who suffer depression just think high. I think every body mom feels low sometime. Tomorrow it's another day again.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How could you understand

In the picture Model "Meranda Kerr" with her son become a big issue. Discussion in internet become more and more warmer because she took picture while  breast feeding her son. I don't understand why people were so malicious about. Of course I understand maybe because she is showing her breast but for once!look and see it decent. I think she just show how happy she was being a mother. She is proud!!! people why we need to be negative about it.

 I am also a mother that's why I understand her. A good mother should not be ashame for this. We have our different background in life. People are very often to hurt others feeling.

How about a hug today!

Today is the hug day!but actually we ought to hugs all the time. One hug start off our  own body happy chemicals endorphin.

A hug give us:
  • happy feelings
  • anti depression
  • away from stress
  • better immune defence
  • relaxing
  • lower our blood pressure
  • serve as pain reliever
Try it in your family it makes sense!really works out.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hawaii my dream Island

How I wish I could be there!take my summer vacation with my loving family. This is a dream that maybe could be come true it's a matter that I need to save money for the ticket and accomodation. Hawaii is known for their magnificent beaches untouched nature and their fantastic food.

It's warm in Hawaii similar in Philippines lot of Filipinos living in the Island. Of course in Hawaii we experience the beauty of nature their tousands of waterfalls,the tropical jungle. Their unique plants and animals that can only be found in the  Island of Hawaii.

Someday I will see you there.

Vaccine gives protection

She is exactly 3 months old today. She got her first vaccine this morning a lot of  types in different  diseases. Vaccine against Difteri,Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Haemofilus influenzae type B, Pneumokocker, and Hepatit- B.

It takes few minutes for the 2 injections that injected in her thigh. Ohh she's screaming a lot, my heart hurted listening to her voice. I comfort her 2 times before the nurse continued. Her tears was meaningful!because she will be growing with right protection against germs that causes infectious disease.

At home I gave her paracetamol. I did not wait tell she got fever (as approved by her nurse).

Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting out

It is a good idea to take a walk with your baby. It helps them sleep tight,but because of the cold weather they need to have the right clothes on. It was a real hassle to get it on all the layers of  clothes. My daughter hate to have winter jacket! now I'm used to it. She whine a lot likes to be in my arms all the time.

She derive an enormous enjoyment yesterdays outing. The hunging stuffed toys in her carrycot brings her attention. The surroundings is still covered with snow feels like Christmas again. Cosy! I think. I agree that I am sensitive to cold of course I try to adapt every season here. It's not just so easy until now..

Monday, January 10, 2011

I have a feeling of

I started again reading books about driving . Take a chance while I'm in my maternity leave. One night I'm dreaming about my job thatI came late to my work. The funny thing was I'm talking while slepping. Well!as some people believe that dream have a connection to what we do or feel. I miss my colleague some works routines even though quite streesful sometime.

our family new year celebration. She's more interested to watch tv rather than picture taking.
 I have a feeling of spring season after I take out all the Christmas decoration. I decided to remain the Christmas light for a while my daughter loves it. She's like surprise starring at the blue lights.

I look outside in the window the light fog reducing the visibility in the neighborhood. The cold weather was dropping to quite warmer. Snow is melted away in some areas. I see the green grass quite little part. Thrilling!lets see how it goes.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

take up positive attitude

I'm making myself  busy take up a positive attitude towards this cheerless day cold weather. We're almost half way in this month sad to say I did not feel it. I have a difficult time to spend outside like for instance walking with my daughter. It´s not snowing today but rain comes instead,meaning it could be slippery again!

We have a small room in our apartment where we put all our shoes. We called it Imelda Marcos room:) where I own my time with. I separate old things plan to carry it out and put in the basement. I wish to have more space in it for our daughters diapper. More cosy if it's not so crowdy with old things I wish I can give it to someone:)to my family abroad maybe?

baby carrier

My daughter take an active part of my life this year. She laugh constantly by the way:) and have more energy playing,talking with us. She's 2 months and 10 weeks old, growing fast I think!with 58 and a half cm long.

She's getting heavier... my plan to buy baby carrier could have her in my shoulder sometimes but could not pursue she's 5 kilos and 300 grams last week check up. I'm afraid to have pain in my back where she's almost 6 kilos.

It's good enough to have perambulator to transport her.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baptism plan

We're  planning for our daughter's baptism this month. I have a feeling to move the plan to February maybe the weather is much better. The winter weather makes me lazy it might be easier if it's summer. We need to fix the area for the party and lot more things to be done.I dont know but this moment we're not decided yet.

We've been in the Catholic church in Gothenburg City. We got information that 22nd of January this month was their schedule for Christening mass. My husband agree with me that it will be  Catholic church. We are not in the same religion but we have a good discussion and agree each other most of the time. We did not let religion stands in the wall between us. We're both God's believer this time she let me to decide.

Swedish tradional clothing for Christening we not bother about. We go for casual dress style aside  that it's white color. Party food maybe "Thai food"(similar to Filipino food) a mixture of Swedish food. The food will be enough to satisfy my mix culture guest.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

to pamper

We bought her this gym playing carpet.
She is our princess at home. We continue follow her growth development day by day we notice her good  improvement. Colorful things attracted her most of the time aside from sounds. But yellow color is might her favorite that capture her attention right away.

 My husband told me not to spoilt her by means of carrying all the time. As a mother is too hard to say not too.

She cried mostly if she is hungry,need to change diaper. Somtimes she just like to pamper, as a mother it's not easy to hear the crying of baby.

Crying is the only thing baby can  communicate. I would like to say that  baby needs the best care of the parents. Parents childhood history is one good pattern to be a good parents.