Saturday, December 18, 2010

Best for baby

 I losed almost 20 kilos 2 months after I give birth to my daugther. I never go some special diet,I eat like normal days. I am proud of myself a prove that my metabolism working good. Instead I still take multi vitamins every day and extra calcium tablet. It's needed specially a mother like me who breast feed a child.

I did learned baby massage that my daughter love it. Warm bath + massage give her a sweet long sleep for the day.

I used the common toalet paper wet it with warm water when I change her diaper. It's more  safe than buying wet wipes . Exceptional when we travel.

She's more sensible and started dribble that looks so funny when she do it.

I am the master of every task at home!I don't understand  where did I find my energy. Well a mother is always be...Merry Christmas to all

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