Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the greatest gift is true people I meet

I think I did great today,my baby shower started at hour 18.00 with the happy succeed ending. The evening go fast and everybody saying goodbye. I'm proud that they like the taste of my spring roll (first time I did it myself).

The party was held at the place near by the beach sponsord by one of my colleague. She is one of the member of the said premises,I save money to pay for the rent. I felt speechless when I opened each of their gift they brought for my baby. It gives me such  great things to think that I am more lucky finding new friends here.

I cannot find enough words to say Thank-you to them. I'm grateful for everything that I recieved. I always remeber that the greatest gift is true people I meet.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

things I learn

I take different options what food should I prepare for my baby shower this coming tuesday. I would love  Asian food but the fact that all of my guest are  Swedish, I must think another menu. I wonder if I could make it alone without the help of my colleagues. Lucky mig sorrounded with kind-hearted people in my department. Everything is in the plan, we are all eager to wait on that day.

I noticed myself that I started to show my cooking interest. I am building a new carrier (mother and housewife),it makes me proud. I even keep learning cooking thai cousine then mixed with Philippine style. I cannot stop my feeling thinking that I will soon face a  new challenge.

Gaining 13 kilos under week 33 of pregnancy sounds a lot to carry. Even find hard to tie my shoes or sandal and need assistance for some other things in the house. The help pf husband is a must!because pregnant   life is not easy as I thought. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the moment of silent!

The preparation of being parents is getting serious. Midwife manage their job well and they play a big part roll to all becoming parents to be. They arrange a meeting for those pregnant women included with the husband. Another things I could appreciate Swedish government service to their followmen.

I came the meeting alone because my husband couldn't leave his work. I arrived 1 minute late,the room was completely quite. I am the only immegrant (asian woman) little boring for me I thought but hmmm it does not matter. They have their husband with them too quite embarrassing because one guy asked me if I am a single mother.

Well to make the story short the day was informative about delivery period. I am happy that I was with the meeting even though alone but I did make it anyway.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Keeping fit and relax

I am enjoying my 2 months early maternity leave at this moment. What should I do without stressing myself for my coming delivery. Inspite of the good news after my last check up here I am thinking how it would be on my big day. I need to prepare myself  physically and mentaly but whew nervosity drive me crazy.

Pregnancy, labour and birth will make great demands in woman's body. Walking regularly find me easy harmony into my relaxation. I am lucky enough to be here living in unpopulated country. Swedish nature gives me fresh air everyday,their untouch forest inspired me time to time while I took my walked.

I called this area birds paradise because I heard lot of them singing in the background. We are not alone in the area,old people,young adults and even some pregnant women spend their walked here. I walked not so fast,just a small steps I told to my husband. I need to listen my body,not exercise to the point where I get very tired or out of breath. Enough is good as a feast in the other side I don't need to be stress.

When we reach in the middle of the forest we stop and pick wild blue berry instead.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

midwife visit

Check up control for baby heart beat was great!babies heart beat is in normal level and what a wonderful moment as a mom to be. I asked my midwife and wonder about my baby's position but she told me that still the baby keep on moving all the time until this month.

Routin check up they took blood test again for my iron value, sugar and lastly blood pressure. So far everything is under normal value even my blood pressure. All the things I did gives the fairly results  which makes me proud of myself. I am not even gaining to much weight under this period of my pregnancy.

Since I am on leave from work started today I tried myself being active as preparation for my big day. Please wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A boy or girl

Week 31 of pregnancy, my feeling of excitement is hard to define. A tense of being a mother,the new challenge in my life which I am hoping I could give my best. It should not be questioned about our individual ability because we are unique as created by God.Being a mother is a big task to fulfil.

I have been dreaming different strange dream in the night. As I said and write here in my blog before that I tired to imagine the face of my baby but I find hard to bind together the face puzzle.

My colleague shows me how happy they are that I am soon become a mom. They give me a piece of good advice , and lot of tips.

Lot of them says that I will born a baby boy because of the form of my tummy. Some says "baby girl" but in the book that I have read says that stomack form doesnt matter at all.

Everything they said is the myt of motherhood. Lets find out what gender I give birth this October. Both gender we welcome with big "LOVE" of course.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

maternity leave

I am back again for the quite few days being busy fixing things. Middle of August how fast it was, summer vacation here are ended. Everybody are back to work again  as well as school opening by next week. We may expecting cold climate but autumn is one of my favorite season. Some reason that the weather is not so warm and enough cold outside.

My early maternity leave was granted effectively this 19th. Working in health care here have a chance  for 2 months leave before the delivery month which I am happy. I don't know if all EU member countries have the same rules in terms of feminine maternity leave. 1 year out from work is much long thinking that mother should take care of the baby. I may called myself plain housewife, my husband have 2 months father leave as well so nothing I could complain about.

I wish me luck for my big day!thank you for reading. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

good guide

I started to charge my battery because 2 months from now I face the big challenge in my life. Labour and give birth to the new member in my  family. Giving birth can be an immensely fulfilling experience,I hope that I may calm and relax when the day come so that I more likely enjoy it.
Every women have different stories of their labour it matters how you prepared your body and yes baby position in the tummy matter most of all. I do read different kinds of information as my big guide how could things happen. I wish to give birth in natural way if my body could otherwise other procedures taking place.

Although labour is not usually pain free but giving birth in natural way brings more extra  feeling being a mother. Besides I heard that it is good for baby's health (midwife and doctors can explain more why). Anyway hospitals here offer different pain relief if the pain getting worse.  

I even started to read information about how to breast-feed. Well,maybe you may say that it's quite early but I just try to be prepared you know. Everything is new for me and I have a feeling of nervousity  this time...lot of questions come into my mind. My midwife advice me to read little by little. Breast-feeding can be a supremely rewarding aspect of caring for baby,because breast milk is the best nourishment nature can provide.    

Monday, August 9, 2010

Crispbread reach in fiber

Hi dear I am back again after a few days of being quite. Well,again I'm spending my 1 week vacation from work started today. I was working for 3 weeks after my 1 month vacation. Honestly I manage to take my job though sometimes I was getting tired,
Everyday I count it as a challenge because my stomach getting bigger. I need help to put on my stockings,find hard to bend down my knees because my stomach block. It's not even easy to put lotion in my legs and feet!I'm compltely dependent of my husband help. Day by day I more discover that we're building a strong family relationship,makes me realized how important he is in my life.

I continued eating healthy diet,not for me but for the sake of my baby. Pregnant women are mostly suffered constipation. But thanks to the fiber foods that I have in my meals I had never experience this kind of problem. Crispbread as in the picture above is reach on fiber. You can buy it in every grocery stores here in Sweden and very popular for Swedish family.

Friday, August 6, 2010

cabbage+heartburn when pregnant

I cooked food yesterday and have cabbage with. I forgot that cabbage could give heartburn specially when your pregnant. Then I have it again today during my lunch, after a few minutes I felt heartburn. Yah!another lesson for me to be careful about what I put in my mouth. It's easy to make misstake and yes I hope I will not repeat this misstake again.

A discusting moment when you feel the bitter taste in the mouth from a small regurgitation of bile. So it is when baby growing in mommy's tummy. Poor one have not enough place inside. Next time I need to be careful...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

save money look for bargain price

The clock is ticking!and soon I will be mom. Baby protection is our big concern so  we started buying things that necessary needed. We bought this baby car seat for a few days ago. We've been checking from the different childrens store and all of them are so expensive specially this kind of brand name(Garco). They have known for best quality and their product are easy to carry(not heavy).

For the price reason we check all around including 2nd hand product in internet then compare the price. This car safety seat was only 3 months old (used). My husband and I are both convinced  when we saw it in person and it looks like brandnew. So we bought it save more than half of the market price. We did a nice bargain!I am satisfied even if the color is blue. But really love it.

If you transport your baby in any (baby car seat) is very   much important for the  safety .  Rules that was started 2007 all Swedish families must follow otherwise the police stop you for investigation and maybe you got fine or get in prison.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

along way walked

After work I decided to walked on way home. We have lucky today because we have such a nice weather. I passed the way where lot of wild flowers and the beauty of nature just amaze me. While listening music gave me a moment to forget how slowly I am. My foot feels tired but I tried to continue in the sense that it's part of my delivery training.

I did not go to a special pregnant training because I think I have enough exercise from my daily shift. That's why I keep on walking a long walked as long as I could.

The sorroundings was quite no children screeming and shouting typical in the country side of the City. Relaxing of course the only sounds you may heard is from the birds singing. I stop under the apple tree that starting to bear fruit that reminds me of (guava fruits). For the reason that the apple fruit is still green ( small and tiny one).

Atlast I reach home after walking 1 hour. I   sat    in the couch and feel totally exhausted and did not notice that I turned a sleep for a few minutes while watching tv.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

my Swedish breakfast

I sleep tight during the night for straight 1 week now. Wide open door in the balcony,open window in our bedroom makes cool air better than airconditioner. When a women is pregnant the body is more warmer than before. It's totally normal if your sweaty in bed at night. Just drink lot of water and never mind if you pee most of the time because it's god for your baby.

In my breakfast this morning I prepared rice pudding. Danish style that also popular breakfast here in Sweden. It's made of rice and cook it with fresh  milk, very delicious. It could remind on my childhood "Filipino porridge" made of cook rice and water then you can choose salt or sugar just to have the taste.