Thursday, September 30, 2010

ache slightly

This is the day where I cannot ignore the ache. Not much pain but it comes few minutes in a day anyway. I'm far to my delivery date but seems my "baby"will come out. I'm prapared!yes but with the feeling of nervousity before childbirth remains in my mind.

I know it will be alright,a common women feeling this is what I have right now. Being a woman,is not so simple this is it the big challenge has arrive.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

what a day

I hope I'm not over reacted the outskirts of the town. I step out from the tram,then walked a few minutes  as my  exercise for the day. It takes 15 minutes until I reach the store where I stop by. Sight seeing!is my purpose why I ride tram going to town. Always alone at home,is not much fun so I entertain myself in the city.

I have this attitude of being quite then observe people's move. If your pregnant you cannot walked too fast,because you have this short breath. So I sat for 2 minutes until I saw beggars,bending down there knee in the cold cold day. I have no idea from what country they came from but they are not Asian anyway. It's a pity situation that we have such like this even here. As I know it's illegal here to beg on the street,and lot of them caught by police last summer.

I am more thankful that I have this life (even we are not rich). It is not easy to be poor,but I think begging is not the right solution. Opportunities is everywhere if you fight and willingly will find it. We need to struggle for our survival but choose to work instead not by asking.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

today's cooking

Relaxation every day,then part of it will be "cooking food"baking. How should I know that I am good in the kitchen if I will not try?A mother to be, like me will do best for the sake of family. I decided to have a nice dinner with my husband. I am thinking not to follow any recipe book,then just make my own"creativity".

beans,mushroom,red pepper,carrots with pork meat. I used black pepper,thai mushroom soy sauce and cream. Result delicious my husband love it!

After dinner I prepared my next plan. Baking cupcake!

it's simple and easy as I thought. You can¨t imagine how happy I was after all my  strains. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

egg again!

I am not in the mood if I cannot eat egg. I have this strange moment as I recall when I'm in my  4 months pregnancy period. But now,it's  soon I give childbirth here I am again longing for same kind of food. 2 times in the row the other day and yesterday hour 23.00 almost midnight.

I fried 2 pcs of egg and beacon,hehehehe. Exact same hour,my husband just laughed at me. What should he can do nothing!of course he let me ate... I cannot help myslef, I felt enjoyed when I munched on my food.

Friday, September 24, 2010

look what we had bought!

 We were like to other parents,no words could discribe the feelings that soon we will meet our new family  member.

Look what we had bought!I have recieved cash discount from "Libero"as the starting offer.

We've both happy since diaper  is one of the important baby daily needs. As mother it's nice to have things complete at home.

Coupons gave us light feelings in our wallet. My husband and myself are  both satisfied of what we had done this weekend!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

as they said so

Right after I finished ate my breakfast,hour 10.00. I ready myself for midwife check up hour 11.00. We took stairs up to the clinic. I'm whacked after even it's only 2 stairs. Breath..breath.. deep!I am fighting with it,now it matter's that I concentrate my mental acumen.

Visual acuity as I need to think off for my own good. As part of my control; blood test,iron value and sugar  was taken. I am happy for the result that I manage to have a normal health status. 95/50 for my blood pressure gives me awfully happy. Low pressure is much better than high blood pressure specially when your pregnant.

My midwife asked my wishes on the time of "labour" but nothing special comes in my mind. Aside from wishing to have a normal "child birth"with out pain. But I know that labour is not usually pain free,the pain does have a purpose. During the discomfort ,I can bear,ask for pain relief. I need to ready myself,that's all. With help of prayers(ask guidance to God) on my big day.

30 minutes meeting with my midwife felt wonderful. I need her advise since she knows better than me. Let the day pass by,the count down began!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

like watertight

How should I begin, it's getting closer like I could feel the high tension every  morning. Each day, another day of my life,gives me a meaning that "mother like me"would like to give birth  right now. Mother's womb has not much place that's why the  time "baby"change position,wheww I felt uncomfortable. I focus to another things,try to entertain myself,but pain in small of the back irretates me.

My baby find his/her right  position,as it kicked every where in my stomach. What a live!every  "Baby"have is not easy! I can't imagine,that our life started like this.  My round stomach ser  uneven every time she/he move quickly.

The "hic sounds"I heard from her/him amuses me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

don't eat liver if your pregnant

Way back home in Philippines,liver is our common food in the table. We used cooked  "adobo"with it or mixed in the dish called"menudo". Beef liver taste delicious, I can count as one of my favorite. I remember once that my acupuncturist(Chinese) brought  liver dish in her clinic. She wanted me to tasted it,so I brought it at home with recipe wrote over. It's the first and my last time I ate liver after living 4 years in Sweden.

The time that I got pregnant,it's totally stop!I have no idea before that liver is not allowed for pregnant. My midwife reminded me to not to eat liver because it contains a lot of vitamin A. High dosage of vitamin A is harmful for  "baby". I avoid so much I can even fish liver oil. However I can eat liver pate' as  sandwich spread because it contains not much liver in it.

My concerned or views about this food;in other countries like my home land. Lot of pregnant women,know nothing about this information. Mostly those who live in the area where standard of living is very hard. I wonder about the side effect to the child where mother ate much liver during their pregnancy.

I think life is conflicated,confusing and much unfair to the mother who have no oppurtunity to recieve the right information. The world of technology is not enough to reach every body. Various reason?money!!

I love u so

Advance technology,things change us people. Our first generation live in ordinary way not even nearness as what we have today. Research help us getting the sociaty better for the best but sometimes it leads the words"exaggerate". People getting confused for every changes of things,new ideas.

Like example courses for pregnant women "breathing technique for pregnant". Relaxation technique,"yoga" i know all of them are good for the preparation of childbirth. I have no idea if all mothers tested these method during their pregnancy. I accept that I never enrolled one of the following techniques.

I just read books,hikings,do things as I can at home and try to relax if I'm tired. I listen music often,then dance with the melody.

I talked my "baby"in my stomach like greetings in the morning and even saying good night before I sleep. I noticed that he/she reacted after  hearing my voice. Saying "I love you" things I never forget to say. Baby's reflextion brought a big joy to me as a mother. I read children stories and etc,which I thought good for my "baby".

I gather information about childbirth through my midwife,even watching film during meeting for the becoming parents to be. Surfing in internet helps me even more,I checked,read info both in English website and Swedish website about childbirth.

I think all these preparation are enough for me. Well..well...well..I keep in mind not to forget the good breathing method during the day I deliver my child.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

save money through discount coupon

How to save money out from things you may need at home. Dreaming to have a family,but the fact we need to face another cost increase in addition per month. Diaper is not free,and some other baby needs. As parents or a mother you need to spend wisely. Checking the prices in every grocery and compare it before  you buy.

I am not an experienced nor expert mother, my point of view is good to be thrifty and careful with each own  economy. Tighten one's belt as other said "the journey of life is just began".Here's what I did:
  •  I register(member) myself in the website(baby product)there I can get lot of points and discounts coupon of their product. 
  • We check  low prices offer(as often happen in groceries here)
  • We avoid to have impulse shopping unless it's necessary needed

Naturally,we are different it's up to you,to decide how you will live with your life. This is only my opinion, our child is worth to have the best care of the parents.
Material things is not always an answer and way on how to be a good a parents.

But  money is one reason why we feel stress,unhappy,not satisfied of each days situation. That is to say "try to save and spend wisely",avoid  credit! Accept what you have today,you can breathe in and sleep well at night.

Actually we bought diaper for the first time today,part of our preparation. Using our "discount coupon".

Friday, September 17, 2010

tasty day

The day was full of surprises,handle in the kitchen preparing food for my guests. I am thinking of something different for today's party. Not formal gathering but simple preparation with style. The clock is ticking but I have enough time. I make myself ready thinking further for the future and learning to cooked good food.

Welcome drinks is not bad?when my friends arrive. I improvised 2 different variety,with white wine mixed with sprite(1dl white wine,likewise amount sprite per person).

Then for me and to my pregnant friend,sprite alone with strawberry.

white wine mixed with sprite,decorated with strawberry.very well-liked of my friends.

a crisp delicacy bread,serve together with  welcome drinks. These are the  toppings:
  •    herring roe
  • lemon juice
  • creme fraiche
  • smoke salmon(sliced in small amount)
  • mayonnaise
  • chive(copped small amount). I mixed it all,and decorate again little amount of roe on top as well with  mayonnaise.


one of my main course,ribs cooked in the oven for 45 minutes. I found this from my collection of recipes.The apple juice and honey gives the smell to a delicious dish.

 The table is ready, meal is serve!. Old,fine school  memories updates,brings life in the table. follow with a peal of laugher,until we felt a full stomach. Every one are satisfied,that's all for the day. I was happy for today's gathering.

Thanks for dropping by,have a nice weekend to all. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

not trend in Sweden

It's my busy day,I prepare things to get ready for my 2nd party tomorrow. Put up new curtains in the kitchen,vacuum-cleaning at the same time operate the washing maschine. All of these takes time for me,regardless how many hours I consume.

Best to take the chance while I can but with care. Finally tomorrow serve as our  reunion, It's been long time since we meet ( my old classmates) after school both of us are busy. A job to take care of everybody priority the family. Hectic schedule if your a parents here,pick up one's kids from the nursery after works,cook foods for them. One factor why parents are busy.

Home help is not trend in Sweden because of the higher tax, married couple should work hand in hand at home. Father must stay at home if the mother can't,or vice versa.

Well, my husband and me soon to be in the game, same status as with them. Busy here and busy there.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

week 35 of pregnancy

The days is getting near, week 35 of my pregnancy. This is the time that I slow down the tempo,have a good rest every day. Start saving my body energy, to have more resistance for the coming lots of night breast-beadings. Yes!I am ready now...ready to meet my "little angel". Gender is a big question for us parent. Hmmm is it a boy or girl? that we will wait and see what it should be. Names are ready(both gender).

I have difficulty  sleeping well at night. As my baby grows larger,presses on my internal organs that leads my problem "breathlessness". Sometimes I don't like to drink water because my stomach feel full tank(no space). 
I took more than 30 minutes walk this afternoon,passing this uphill slope. The weather is not with me,chill and windy but I continued till I was in the top.

With a cautious steps,I reach home safe,get a completely fresh air. I forward to have a good sleep tonight.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

massage chair

foot reflexology is my favorite part of this masage chair.
In the moment of time,truth that I'm at home,I can't use our massage chair. We bought it for 2 years ago practically speaking it's more cheaper than going to service massage center.  After work I sat for 15 minutes sometimes I make it 30 min. We both love it,you cannot really compare with real hands but almost near to reality anyway.

We allow ourselves to have massage once we felt we're running out of strength. I am thinking to try a few minutes today,but thinking that I have a baby in my stomach so I regret to take the risk.

I need to wait after Oct month,I have 1 year maternity leave and have enough time for it.

My beloved, he can fall asleep anytime. His 2nd valuable things after tv. We have the same likes and dislikes,both love to stay home then take our day easy.

screen where you can choose what program of massage you would wish to have.could operate both  manual or automatic.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Life is like a circus

Monday ...monday I recall the time,before my maternity leave. Mondayish as we heard from common people. I did agree:)because after weekend brake our mind and body tend to continue the relaxation. We feel the moment of tiredness,don't like to wake up early,not ready to go work .But it's odd because day after you feel refresh and ready to face the next real challenge. Right now I agree that I love to be at home,skipping my hectic time in my work. Present situation that I am not used to.

Life is like a circus, which soon I have an audience who always needs my attention and care. My husband used to call me "the sleeping beauty"because I always like to sleep long hour. Imagine,a new mother to be who woke up 10.00 hour in the morning. Heheeheh!!!!I charge my battery (words I answered to my husband). Well,he understand me hence no kids screaming for food.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

without border line

Days,nights,weeks passed by just like that! Click of tomorrow,yesterday wow!I'm not even in my 1 month,after I took  my maternity leave. I admit that I miss my job,meeting different people everyday. In the other part staying at home gives me more chances. I can chat my family abroad,talking to my own dialect without no limit.

chanterelle loves in the wetted area.
September weather is not particularly good. It can cause stress if you will see outside,dark,raining and the leaves of the tree are starting to fall.

We need to think of something different today,I said to my husband after talking my nephew in courtesy of "yahoo msgr". How about hiking as I suggest!

We took the car then park in the area near by the forest. Rain could fall anytime we feel in the air. I've been in this area 2 years ago, call to mind that we picked up chanterelle here(as I talked to my husband).Indeed!(he answer shortly).

quite big
Hiking with double purpose,so we started to look after chanterelle. It's not easy for me to bend down,taking it easy then enjoyed the moment. We have fun both of us,that we even not noticed that each of our plastic bag we carried have half of chanterelle.

you need to take away the dried leaves because they hide under it. We have free dinner this evening.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

my labour countdown

I am in my week 34,it's like yesterday but now the end is near. October month is on the way,18th of Oct expected date of my delivery. It could be 3days earlier or 3 days late.

My husband wanted it  10th of October (joking for the social security number would be easy to memorize). Baby boom!in Sweden as reported this year.

Everyday,I notice the changes of my stomach. I feel uncomfortable setting in the couch without throw pillow behind. My stomach is not much big according to my husband even my friends. Anyway size and weight of pregnant women cannot be compared,can be vary from person to another person.

The time I eat sweets the baby inside me reacted right away. Moving,kicking,that I could compare to a wave. It's a great feeling!

I see my navel turning in and out. The colored brown line"Linea nigra" sees more clearly compared before.

I keep taking my iron vitamin,as advise by my midwife because she found out that I have low iron.

For the past month after taking it everyday day,I never had a constipation problem as other pregnant  experienced . At the same timeI drink plenty of water a day,and eat hard bread that reach in fiber it helps a lot.

Taking folic acid everyday is a must for me specially for my baby. I wanna be sure that I delivery a healthy baby. Folic acid has another benefits in addition to preventing birth defects.
 Even though folic acid could also find in some green vegetables like spinach and even okra. Eating them every day is easy to forget. Besides more better to have folic acid vitamin just to assure on my side. If your planning to be pregnant my advise is take folic acid supplement. You could ask your doctor about it.

Another important vitamin that I still take until this time is calcium. the developing baby needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Otherwise  my baby will take my calcium  that could cause hole in my teeth. Maybe mothers who did not take calcium during their pregnancy had  noticed it.
Thanks for reading guys...until next time.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

waited anxiously

Lets say it's about magic,miracle to carry life. I am holding my breath as my midwife told me,she need to check out the baby's position. She noticed that Baby's head  turning downwards, which I felt more heavy everytime she/he change position. Listening the heartbeat(152-154 per minute) of my baby complete my day. My first child will born next month,I cannot imagine how pain it maybe but I will try my best to deliver normal.

So far every check up shows normal,both me the mother and my l"ittle one". My blood pressure(100/60)absolutely good sign. I am thankful for the stability of my health just a good sign until my 8th months of my pregnancy.  

Each day another way to define my happiness,both me and my husband waited anxiously for our new family member. Baby needs ex.clothes,other things are all in place. I am ready to be a mom as I declare. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

hand wash

Full of fantacy,planning for the coming baby.After baby shower party,I stayed at home fixing different things. Everyday seems normal,besides that  my tummy getting more bigger. I am gaining more! 14kilos,yet I have 5 weeks,to wait before the time of birth. The other day I  washed the baby clothes then did the ironing.But since I received more baby clothes during my baby shower I have extra job to do more.. My midwife advise  me to always wash the new clothes before the new born used it.
To take away the chemicals that used during the production and dusty in the department store. New born child is so sensitive.

How about hand washing?I murmuring myself. I am used to wash clothes by hands,as I grown without a washing maschine at home(back in my home country). With the excitement I wash with hands!all of them. Warm water mixed it with a little amount of washing soap(I used gloves) to protect my hands.
I might take serious my new rule,but at the same time I help saving money at home. At least I have the idea how to  economize the electricity.

I  hung out the clothes   without using the drier. Simple things that could be good for the households bills.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

reason could be hormonal

It might be the continuation of what I wrote in my blog on the other day. Hour after I washed the dishes and keep things in order in the dining room.

Out of the blue my left hand got benumbed,something knitting up to my shoulder. An unpleasant feeling that makes me worried. It's almost hour 21.30 in the evening,our first aid was phone health service information if the pain would getting worse or my husband drive me to the hospital.

I was afraid could not even understand why?because I was at home and take it easy the whole day. After a few minutes I feel little better, seems I could handle the pain so we decided not to go to hospital.

The following morning my mother in-law phoned me regarding what she heard from my husband. She told me about the "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"  the symptom which is  exactly right. I double check it on my midwife and even google it just to make it sure.

The hormonal changes of my body made me suffered. This time "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"hits me but it is common to pregnant women specially during the last part of pregnancy. It is cause of the called hormonal changes that happend in the body during pregnancy. What a feeling of relieve after I heard from my midwife. She told me not to worry too much because it going over.The information in internet helps me more to understand about my health situation.

I followed all the good advise that I got,right now while writting this blog I feel no pain. Totally gone,the symptom,difficulties of my left hand . I am back and feel ok again. I hope I will not feel the tough pain again.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

pregnant hormone

I am getting mad for no reason?I feel sorry to my husband this evening while I prepare dinner. This crazy hormone disturbance!I don't know but it seems I'm in the  3rd trimester of pregnancy.Usch!I don't like it!I don't mean to hurt my hubby either.

I find not emotional ,it's just a sudden that I lost my mind and get mad without a valid reason. I am lucky enough that he understand me again as he already know that pragnant women undergo hormonal changes. My midwife explained to him about the incoming situation(hormone changes). Yah it's bad that only mom could explain the rest! to others why lot of pregnant become"bitch".

I remember something worse story in my village where I live before. We have a neighbor (a man)complaining his wife's behaviour when she was pregnant. The're living in a simple home that  could not even afford to have doctor check up. They have no access for tv,internet that they never got the right  information about pregnancy. In that case both party are living in the fancy belief. Not easy!think how hard to the side of the husband because he cannot understand why pregnant have ups and down moment(behaviour).

I am happy,much lucky enough to have the all access of information. Otherwise everything is black!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

baby shower gift

Continue the happiness,that until today I cannot believe I am sorrounded with good people. The clock is ticking 6 weeks to go then I will born my sweet baby.
 wonderful  baby book.

teddy bear perfect I could hang in my baby carriage.
and lot more gift that makes my baby wardrobe complete.I don't need to buy more because baby after birth grow fast. I obviously can manage for the few months come. I have all my  baby things  ready!one thing I I wait my labour day.