Thursday, September 9, 2010

waited anxiously

Lets say it's about magic,miracle to carry life. I am holding my breath as my midwife told me,she need to check out the baby's position. She noticed that Baby's head  turning downwards, which I felt more heavy everytime she/he change position. Listening the heartbeat(152-154 per minute) of my baby complete my day. My first child will born next month,I cannot imagine how pain it maybe but I will try my best to deliver normal.

So far every check up shows normal,both me the mother and my l"ittle one". My blood pressure(100/60)absolutely good sign. I am thankful for the stability of my health just a good sign until my 8th months of my pregnancy.  

Each day another way to define my happiness,both me and my husband waited anxiously for our new family member. Baby needs ex.clothes,other things are all in place. I am ready to be a mom as I declare. 

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