Saturday, September 11, 2010

my labour countdown

I am in my week 34,it's like yesterday but now the end is near. October month is on the way,18th of Oct expected date of my delivery. It could be 3days earlier or 3 days late.

My husband wanted it  10th of October (joking for the social security number would be easy to memorize). Baby boom!in Sweden as reported this year.

Everyday,I notice the changes of my stomach. I feel uncomfortable setting in the couch without throw pillow behind. My stomach is not much big according to my husband even my friends. Anyway size and weight of pregnant women cannot be compared,can be vary from person to another person.

The time I eat sweets the baby inside me reacted right away. Moving,kicking,that I could compare to a wave. It's a great feeling!

I see my navel turning in and out. The colored brown line"Linea nigra" sees more clearly compared before.

I keep taking my iron vitamin,as advise by my midwife because she found out that I have low iron.

For the past month after taking it everyday day,I never had a constipation problem as other pregnant  experienced . At the same timeI drink plenty of water a day,and eat hard bread that reach in fiber it helps a lot.

Taking folic acid everyday is a must for me specially for my baby. I wanna be sure that I delivery a healthy baby. Folic acid has another benefits in addition to preventing birth defects.
 Even though folic acid could also find in some green vegetables like spinach and even okra. Eating them every day is easy to forget. Besides more better to have folic acid vitamin just to assure on my side. If your planning to be pregnant my advise is take folic acid supplement. You could ask your doctor about it.

Another important vitamin that I still take until this time is calcium. the developing baby needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Otherwise  my baby will take my calcium  that could cause hole in my teeth. Maybe mothers who did not take calcium during their pregnancy had  noticed it.
Thanks for reading guys...until next time.

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